Saturday, April 30, 2011

Spring in Michigan

Spring is just beginning to take hold in Michigan, although it seems like it has sprung everywhere else.  It is the time to start venturing outside after a long winter and appreciate the beauty of a garden as it starts to emerge from its slumber.  The grass is green, the trees are just starting to bud and the tulips are beginning to open.

It seems like the perfect time to begin a new blog. My intention of this blog is to focus on the many ways to enjoy the great outdoors;

everything from gardening,

to enjoying a sunset,

Fall foliage,

even the critters you might meet along with way.

With so many electronics and demands on our lives, Americans are not spending enough time outside enjoying what nature has to offer us. This is especially true for kids.

I hope that I can point out at least a couple of reasons that we should all spend more time in the great outdoors.